The Relationship Between Philosophy and Death

    In Plato's dialogue "Phaedo", Phaedo is the narrator and he is re-telling a conversation that he had with Socrates before his death. The backstory is that Socrates has been sentenced to death by a trial and he will be killed by poison. In the conversation Socrates gives a clear view on what he believes the relationship between philosophy and death is. Socrates does not fear death in fact he even says, " any man who has the spirit of philosophy, will be willing to die, though he will not take his own life". Meaning that no man who is a true philosopher should take his own life, but instead wait until his time when he is summoned by God. Socrates believes that through philosophy it has lead him to view death as a sign of hope and not grief. This hope comes from the idea that there is something remaining for the dead and that those who die will meet new master and friends in another world. One of the important points that Socrates talks about is that if you are a true philosopher the you believe that knowledge is only obtained after one has died. Through philosophy death means the separation of the soul from the body and this separation is what leads one to the truth of knowledge. Socrates talks about how the body only hinders man and those who fear death are those who are the "lover of body, money, and power". Overall, Socrates describes the relationship between philosophy and death to be something that should not be grieved or feared because in death you will reach true levels of wisdom. 
    Personally, when it comes to the relationship between philosophy and death I agree with Socrates views. I found his definition of death to be very philosophical. He said that death is the separation of the soul from the body and when you process this definition it makes the action of death itself less scary. Death should not be something that should be feared as you are entering into a new world. The only disagreement that I have with Socrates is that I believe knowledge can be obtained when one is alive. Although he makes good points that the body can be hindering I also believe that it can be helpful. Our body is what creates us and allows us to function and it gives the soul a home. The body helps to create a human life but once one dies we no longer need our bodies. 


  1. Hi Grace! I agree with most of what you have to say. I think that God has a plan for us and we should follow that. I think that taking your own life is something that should not be done since is is definitely not part of the plan that God has for us. I am wondering what is your opinion about this? I also really like what you had to say in your second paragraph because it brings up great points about humans decisions and lives.


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